Another way ive been looking for jobs is through and These are both basically like Craigslist, but way less creepy. I went on and just browsed through listings. Its interesting because most are professional but you have some personal ads where people are looking for assistants to run errands or others need people to come and garden for them at least once a week. Its the best way to find casual work and not be tied into a committed job where you have to fill out a W2. So far Ive had one interview at a Massage Therapy Boutique. Yes, thats right, Sarah Blevins, Massage Therapist! That will be$100 for your sub-par massage given by an under qualified therapist....Our roommate Anne found the listing and a couple of us applied. Apparently they are in need of people so they are willing to train anybody who wants to learn. I actually go in on Wednesday for a trial run to see if I can handle massaging people, not sure how this is going to go, but im willing to give it a try.
Man, I hope I will be as good as these girls!
That was a joke if you missed it. Its actually a nice place, sans happy endings. I will also be handing out flyers, basically I walk around neighborhoods and stick advertisements and flyers into peoples mailboxes. Yes, I am going to be that person who clutters your life with more useless paper. I have also gotten a call from a management company who works in the film industry and works to find stand ins and background people. I just need to fill out the application and send in a headshot. Who knows, I may appear in the next big blockbuster! I could be that girl drinking wine in the background while chatting up my date, or I could be that girl walking her dog down the street. The possibilities are endless. Hopefully though I can start making money soon.
On Thursday, it finally hit, the uncontrollable urge for a burger. Its been over 2 months since I had one! Julia, Celine, and I went on a mission to find thick cut bacon burgers, and we were not disappointed..
Pure happiness....
We also did a little more sightseeing in downtown Melbourne. After burgers we went to a laneway (alley) that is across from Federation Square in downtown. Apparently its a pretty well known laneway for its street art (they dont call it graffiti here because they consider it an art form and its very popular, so its street art). The paintings and murals change daily. Anyone can come in and starting painting whatever they want, its really cool looking
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